Author Archives: Christian Bokhove
Slides of public lecture
These are the slides of the public lecture:
Second meeting in Hong Kong
In the second half of November the second enGasia meeting will take place in Hong Kong. Main activities will be: To finalise and testdrive two draft versions of the digital Geometry books. Discuss how we try out the books in some case studies in the classroom. Work on publications. Some school visits (primary and secondary) […]
Alpha versions of the Flowchart software
Try out the alpha versions of the Flowchart software: Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
Japanese version
And here is the finished Japanese version of the environment. The first two draft digital books will appear within a few weeks.
Still some technical issues with the blog
Unfortunately, changes in the university template for the blogs and websites, means some posts are completely distorted. In the meantime I have deactivated some of the post and changed the theme. Some posts may not be visible; up until now about 12 have appeared. Hopefully it will be solved within a few weeks.