We just submitted the interim report. We thought it would be good to account for what we did in the enGasia project. The following things have been done in the second year:
- Two project meetings have taken place, one in Hong Kong (November 2015) and one in England (March 2016).
- We did several presentations from project members on the different country contexts (England, Hong Kong, Japan) with regard to the geometry education.
- We discussed draft versions of
- In both meetings project members have also given public lectures on project related topics, in Hong Kong this was Dr. Christian Bokhove (e.g. see http://www.slideshare.net/cbokhove/public-lecture-hong-kong-university-18-november-2015), in England this was Prof. Miyazaki.
- During both meetings we spent two days in schools for classroom visits.
Outside the meetings:
- The software was further refined for tablets. The system used to deliver the digital books was translated to Japanese and Chinese.
- The final versions of the digital books are now up for translation for classroom experiments. During the England meeting we agreed on the methodology for these (quasi-)experiments and they will be executed in the new Academic Year. Because of translations this has been delayed slightly compared to the original timetable.
- Several blogs were written, more are in preparation.
- Some publications are in preparation (see that section).
In sum, the objectives have been met.
In the third year we will:
- Have a project meeting in Japan (January 2017) and final meeting in Hong Kong (June 2017).
- Use one of two digital books in a classroom (quasi-)experiment. Each location will use the resource in two classrooms. Two other classrooms will be a ‘control’.
- Conduct several classroom experiments in all three participating countries with the developed resources.
- We are exploring the possibility of extending the collaborations with Japan and Hong Kong (and possibly Australia) by starting a ‘classroom research network’.
- Contact interested third parties (e.g. Cambridge Assessment) with regard to the project outcomes and resources.
- Will submit and finish draft versions of two publication(s),.